L-1 Intra Company Transferees


Managers, executives, and other key employees with specialized knowledge of said companies that have, or wish to establish, U.S. offices may need to transfer these employees overseas to the U.S. The L-1 Visa (Intra-company Transferee) enables these employees to work temporarily in the United States at the U.S. parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or branch office.

Procedures & Requirements

  • A qualifying relationship must exist between the foreign company and the U.S. company
  • The employee (foreign national) should have completed one continuous year of employment outside of the U.S. with the overseas company within the preceding three years before a such employee can be transferred to the U.S. parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or branch office

Related Issues

  • L-1 Visas are initially granted for three years or one year in those cases where the foreign national is coming to the U.S. to establish a U.S. office. This status can then be extended – the total period of stay may reach seven years for L-1A managers and executives, and five years for L-1B specialized knowledge personnel
  • Spouse and unmarried child(ren) of L-1 are allowed to accompany/join the foreign national in L-2 status. L-2 spouses are allowed to work whereas L-2 children are not, though they can attend school or college
  • Large employers have the ability to file blanket L-1 petitions with the USCIS instead of filing separate petitions for each individual employee.
  • At present, there is no annual cap for L-1 visas.